Join me for my brand new Money Medicine Intensive kicking off on Thursday, October 10th!


Dedicate yourself to an ongoing practice of upleveling and emotional healing.

Become a member


It's a big question, but I have a feeling you understand what I mean if any of this resonates with you:

  • You find yourself experiencing many low-frequency emotions, like anxiety, resentment, and unfulfilment. What's more, these feelings are often accompanied by uncomfortable physical symptoms like poor digestion, muscle aches, hair loss, or mental fog.
  • Your relationships feel discordant and unbalanced. You struggle to voice your own needs and desires, and this leads to you giving much more of yourself to loved ones, friends, and colleagues than you get in return.
  • You have a deep fear of failure and often worry you're not worthy enough, capable enough, or smart enough to live the life you desire.
  • You want to use the unque gifts and skills you possess, but you hold yourself back out of fear that you'll be rejected or abandoned by your community for living out your soul's mission.

Having had these experiences myself, I know how it feels

I know what it's like to feel stagnant, lonely, and unsure of yourself and where you're going.


What if you could shift your frequencies and begin thriving in ways you never have before?

Your experience of low-frequency emotions unbalanced relationships, self-doubt, and fear of rejection doesn't have to be permanent. There's a reality where you...

Shift the way you feel, think, and decide to show up in your life so you can achieve harmonious Qi and inner peace.

Feel empowered to take control and make decisions that serve your purpose and allow you to live the life you desire.

Have the confidence to accept and express your true inner desires, creating balanced and nourishing relationships.

Take pride in who you are, what you're becoming, and how you choose to live and express your soul's mission, regardless of what anyone else might think.

You just need the guidance and the content to help you get there.

Embrace your truest self with RISE & THRIVE WITH DESIREE.

My new membership program, Rise & Thrive of upleveling and emotional healing that leads to a life of peace, joy, and fulfilment.

Through a combination of ongoing education, helpful resources, and a supportive community of like-minded women, I'll help you:

  • Shift from low to high-frequency emotions
  • Find you ( Qi) flow, bringing peace and harmony into your life and relationships.
  • Rise each day feeling confident, empowered, and restored, taking you from surviving to thriving.
I'm Ready to Thrive! →


Healer, Author, And Speaker


I'm a woman on a mission to help other empathetic, highly sensitive women end their emotional suffering, reclaim their power, and discover their purpose so they can live the life they were meant to live.

Growing up as an only child to parents with personality disorders, I had physical and financial support but never felt the emotional connection with my family that I so deeply desired. Over time and experience, I learned to accept and express my true inner desires to others, and my life shifted.

Now, the connection and community I have with the women who are courageos enough to show up and heal their own lives is what ignites my soul. I use the principles of Chinese Medicine and the Classical Five Elements to create unique, personalized modalities for healing that help women like you live their soul's greates expression.

In many ways, I see my craft as a bridge between east and west, bringing the wisdom of eastern medicine to the western world and empowering women to take back control of their lives.

Gather resources and heal your spirit

Rise & Thrive with Desiree is an opportunity for you to receive long-term support and guidance that will help you on your journey to actualizing your highest potential and living your truth.

Throughout the membership, you will:

Take part in deep, transformative healing work on a regular basis.

Get regular access to educational content about Chinese Medicine, essential oils, and more.

Build a repertoire of meditations that helps you create or shift your energy at any particular moment.

Learn new essential oil blends that can rapidly uplevel your frequencies.

"Thanks to Desiree, I have my life back!"

My soul feels alive for the first time in 3 decades. Desiree, her knowledge, her energy and her sincere love of helping people is a true blessing. I truly do not have enough words to say THANK YOU! Desiree is the real deal. My gratitude is beyond words.


Get ongoing access to workshops, meditations, and essential oil blends that will guide you on your journey.

I've designed this new membership to provide you with long-term, comprehensive guidance and support through a combination of education, resources, and community.

Here's what the program includes:

1 virtual workshop a quarter

Once a quarter, you'll get to join a live virtual workshop with me. Sometimes the workshop will be focused on healing, like I Am Worthy, and other

These workshops will be offered at various times to accommodate different time zones, and you'll be able to choose your preferred slot. You'll also get access to the workshop recordings as long as you're a member, allowing you to return to them as resources whenever you need.

1 guided mediatation a quarter

Each quarter, I'll release a guided meditation designed to create a specific energy or shift within you. The unique benefit of this is that the longer you're a member, the more meditations you'll have in your library!

1 essential oil blend recipe a month

Each month, I'll share a custom essential oil blend recipe that you won't find anywhere else. It will be designed around the collective needs of our members at the time, with the purpose of creating very rapid upleveling to your frequencies.

An affordable way to receive continue

When creating Rise & Thrive with Desiree, I had you in the forefront of my mind. I wanted to design an online membership that would give you access to consistent education and resources without producing more financial stress on top of already increasing costs and stagnant salaries.

That's why I'm offering this membership at two affordable price points:


Per Quarter


Per Year

Broken down, that comes out to around $20 a month - or even less when you pay annually. Compared to workshops, which run $49-$129 for one ticket, a membership to Rise & Thrive with Desiree is the most affordable way to work with me on a consistent basis and make progress toward a life of peace, joy, and harmony.

Investing in yourself should be a no-brainer. So, put yourself first and commit to an ongoing practice of upleveling and emotional healing.

Join The Membership

"Thank you so much for creating this space."

You are an amazing mentor on our journey here!


If you're ready to heal your spirit, you're right where you need to be.

Getting out of lower frequency emptions, shifting your energy, and actualizing your highest potential takes time and practice. It's a long-term journey, which is why I've put together this new, online membership. If you're willing to open yourself up and do the consistent emotional work it takes to experience lifelong healing, then Rise & Thrive with Desiree may be the right choice for you.

You're in the right place if you:

Have a deep desire to live out your soul's mission, but you feel like you're not worthy enough, capable enough, or smart enough.

Want to utilize your art, gifts, and talents, but you hold yourself back out of fear of being rejected for living your truth.

Struggle to express your inner desires because you put others' needs above your own.

Are interested in exploring the benefits of Chinese Medicine, essential oils, and other healing modalities.

If these words resonate with you, then I encourage you to join the membership. The workshops, blends, and meditations I share with you along the way will help you shift you frequencies, harmonize you QI, and find the clarity to start living the fullest expression of your soul.

On the other hand, if you're looking for a quick and linear path to healing, then this membership probably isn't the right fit. This is meant to be an opportunity to gather invaluable resources that will help you heal your spirit and live the life you've always wanted.

I'm Ready - Sign Me Up!

"I really enjoy this group."

I am excited for this new energy and already feel the ambition and fortitude for these deep transformations. I am also looking forward to hearing everyone's stories!


Answers to some of our most-asked questions so you can feel confident in continuing your healing journey.

Each month you’ll receive a digital recipe that walks you through creating the blend at home with your own essential oils.

Not at all! I'll provide you with all of the information and guidance you need to be able to recreate and use the blend on your own.

No problem! As a member, you’ll get access to the recordings within 48–72 hours of the final workshop, and you'll receive an email when they’re available. That said, I do recommend attending live when you can to experience the energy everyone brings to the session.

You’ll have access to all of this content for the duration of your membership.

You will be billed automatically every quarter or year, depending on the subscription option you select. Should you wish to cancel at any point, you can refer to our cancellation policy for instructions:


Payments are nonrefundable and there are no refunds or credits for partially used periods.

You can request to cancel this membership by email at any point in time. But if you cancel prior to the end of the current subscription period, there are no refunds of subscription fees already paid to us.

Following any cancellation, you will continue to have access to the members' area through the end of your current subscription period.

It's time to bring peace and harmony to your day-to-day life.

Getting out of lower frequency emotions, shifting your energy, and living out your purpose is an ongoing practice. With Rise & Thrive with Desiree, you'll have the chance to gather helpful resources that you can turn to again and again as you do the deep emotional work necessary to find greater peace and harmony.

You deserve to put yourself first. Take this opportunity to invest in the continuous guidance and support that will help you thrive.

Join now for only $61 a quarter or $255 a year

"Thanks for the community!"

It's so good to be in a group of people who all pretty much talk the same essential oil/alternative lifestyle language.



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