Join me for my brand new Money Medicine Intensive kicking off on Thursday, October 10th!


Heal your money channels so that money flows smoothly and is a source of peace, safety, and expansion.

Do you understand the Elements of Money?

To many of us, Money can be a very elusive and confusing part of our world.

As Empaths, we often find it a struggle to understand the intricacies of Money in a 3D realm when all we desire to do is live in the more heavenly and imaginative realms.

Too many of us suffer from money wounds, yet it doesnā€™t make sense why this should even exist.

The resources are plenty, but the distribution is skewed.

It doesnā€™t have to be this way. It can be corrected. Be a part of the solution for yourself and for the human community.

Everyone on this Earth has a right to safety, security, provisions, and the space to self-actualize.

You deserve to be taken care of.

Money today has shifted.

It is more ethereal than material. There are elements to money that are crucial not only to understand but also to actively support. The Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water Elements of Money require full functioning and harmonization to have a wholesome and healthy relationship with our money.

We all have some money wounds that need attending. When you heal your elements of Money, youā€™ll see it flow into your life, circulate properly, and grow for future stores.

Join me in this workshop to heal your money channels so that money flows smoothly and is a source of peace, safety, and expansion. Money is one aspect of our lives that cannot be ignored, as many sicknesses can spawn from unhealthy money.


- Attuning to your Actual Values - Fire Wounds
- Wood Wounds
- Earth Wounds
- Metal Wounds
- Water Wounds
- Receiving the Spirit of Money

This is an application workshop in which you will apply essential oils to acupuncture points to shift deficiencies and purge the excess stagnations that congest money channels. All essential oils may be diluted with fractionated coconut oil. And if you are missing any of the following oils, do not worry. The energy of any and all essential oils will be transferred to you during the workshop. Also, bring notebook, pen, and lots of water.

Essential Oils List

Petitgrain, Rosemary, Black Pepper, Rose, Green Mandarin, Fennel, Geranium, Cardamom, Bergamot, Tangerine, Lemongrass, Juniper Berry, Madagascar vanilla, Tulsi (Holy Basil), Melissa, Blue Tansy, Green Mandarin.



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